• Quality Assurance: Role, Responsibilities and Means of Public Authorities...

    Prime Tasks: Identify the object: what is ‘quality assurance’ of which concrete objects; the agent: who are, or could be seen as, ‘public authorities’; the action and the objective: how, and why are roles, responsibilities, and means – de facto or optimally – attributed, shared, and used by public authorities.

     25 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 25 0

  • Movements towards a European dimension in Quality Assurance and Accreditation...

    Contents the Movements towards a European dimension in Quality Assurance and Accreditation: 1 - the Globalisation Challenge, 2 - The European Response: the Bologna Declaration Intermezzi, 3 - National Responses, 4- International initiatives.

     23 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 28 0

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