• Quality Assurance in the Field of Civil Service Training

    The training and education provi-sion needed by a modern public administration system involves a wide variety of training providers and programmes. At one extreme, the professional formation of, people who intend to spend their, careers in the public service, involves the university systems of each country, and perhaps at different levels of qualification (di-ploma, degree, post-graduate etc.).

     20 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 20 0

  • Issues of Quality Assurance (QA) in LIS Higher Education in Pakistan

    The paper gives a brief account of the present scenario of post-graduate LIS programs, identifies the basic issues regarding quality library and information studies education (LISE) in Pakistan, and suggests the possible measures for QA in Pakistan. The multi-method approach was used to collect the data for this study based on survey, interviews, focus group, discussions with peers and observation and experience of the author.

     15 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 19 0

  • Open Access: Scientific Quality Assurance by Interactive Peer Review & Public...

    Outline: Motivation, Interactive Peer Review & Public Discussion, Interactive Journal “Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics”, Alternatives & Future Developments, Vision & Suggestions.

     17 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 19 0

  • Common Principles for Student Involvement in Quality Assurance/Quality...

    The purpose of the principles is to provide a useful reference guide to both higher education institutions in developing or reviewing current arrangements for the involvement of students in quality assurance processes and to quality assurance agencies undertaking external quality assurance activities.

     5 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 19 0

  • Implementing and using quality assurance: Strategy and practice

    This publication gathers a representative sample of the contributions to the Forum. Some of the keynote presentations are included as well as a few of the many excellent papers that contributed to lively discussions in the parallel sessions. The keynotes discuss quality from a conceptual, historical and policy perspective. The papers are mostly focused on institutional case studies and show the variety of ways that higher education institutions and QA agencies ensure quality.

     93 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 19 0

  • Development of competency standard and the implementation

    Development of competency standard and the implementation with content presentation capability building standards implemented in Indonesia education, or the analysis and lessons learned for education in Vietnam.

     12 p caodangnghe 13/09/2018 19 0

  • A Comparison of Quality Management approaches for the Training and Vocational...

    A Comparison of Quality Management approaches for the Training and Vocational Sector in seven countries to provide an easy reference for countries wishing to introduce and/or review quality management approaches in the TVET sector.

     12 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 18 0

  • Chapter 1: An Approach to Quality Assurance Training

    Chapter 1: An Approach to Quality Assurance Training. Training transfers knowledge and skills needed to carry out a specific task or activity. Education provides a broad array of knowledge (and skill) to prepare for a future role.

     33 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 18 0

  • Guidelines for the quality assurance of vocational education and training in...

    This document contains guidelines for the quality assurance of vocational edu-cation and training (VET) in Europe. The guidelines are based on research into quality assurance within case study institutions providing healthcare VET in six EU countries: Demark, Estonia, Germany, United Kingdom (England), Italy and the Netherland.

     12 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 18 0

  • International Experiences inOccupational StandardsDevelopment...

    International Experiences in Occupational Standards Development and Implementation presented definition Occupational Standards, variety of formats and development methods.

     12 p caodangnghe 13/09/2018 18 0

  • Strategy on Tvet development for the period 2011-2020 and cooperation...

    Strategy on Tvet development for the period 2011-2020 and cooperation opportunity between Vietnam – Germany and with other countries in the region has Main content: Economic-social context influencing vocational training in Viet Nam, Overview of the Vietnamese strategy on TVET development, Cooperation between Viet Nam and Germany and with other ASEAN countries in the field of vocational training.

     19 p caodangnghe 13/09/2018 18 0

  • BMZ Support in TVET System Development in Viet Nam

    BMZ Support in TVET System Development in Viet Nam has Structure of presentation: TVET – a key Factor for Development, Vietnamese-German Cooperation in TVET, Implementation Experiences, Future Potentials, Summary.

     20 p caodangnghe 13/09/2018 18 0

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