• UEAPME position on the proposal for a Recommendation by the European...

    Quality assurance, transparency and accountability of VET systems and providers are prerequisites for enhancing VET attractiveness, improving the image of VET and last but not least facilitating mobility within VET in Europe. Quality contributes more widely to increasing employability, as well as promoting access to lifelong learning in the education and training systems and on the labour market.

     3 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 9 0

  • Tự đánh giá trong kiểm định chất lượng giáo dục đại...

    Tự đánh giá trong kiểm định chất lượng giáo dục đại học - kết quả bước đầu ở đại học Vinh trình bày những kết quả bước đầu của hoạt động kiểm định chất lượng ở Trường Đại học Vinh; những khó khăn, thách thức và giải pháp khắc phục.

     12 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 9 0

  • Sổ tay chất lượng ISO 9001:2000 - ĐH Hutech

    Sổ tay chất lượng ISO 9001:2000 của trường Đại học Hutech - Đại học Kỹ thuật Công nghệ TP.HCM là tập hợp tài liệu, chính sách chất lượng về hệ thống quản lý chất lượng của Trường được thể hiện dưới dạng các quy trình, hướng dẫn áp dụng cho hoạt động quản lý và công tác giảng dạy của trường phù hợp với tiêu chuẩn TCVN ISO 9001:2001.

     36 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 9 0

  • Quality assurance standards: comparison between IAEA 50-C/SG-Q and ISO...

    Regarding the quality assurance topic, the IAEA standards 50-C/SG-Q are mostly used directly or indirectly to establish the nuclear safety requirements at the utility–regulatory interface. The industrial ISO 9001 standards have progressively been used to implement the quality assurance equirements at the interface utility–supplier.

     34 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 9 0

  • Tiêu chuẩn Việt Nam (TCVN 5814:1994): Quản lý chất lượng và...

    Tiêu chuẩn Việt Nam (TCVN 5814:1994): Quản lý chất lượng và đảm bảo chất lượng - Thuật ngữ và định nghĩa trình bày rõ ràng định nghĩa, nghĩa của các thuật ngữ được dùng trong tiêu chuẩn quản lý chất lượng và đảm bảo chất lượng theo TCVN 5814:1994.

     13 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 9 0

  • SMARTe Quality Assurance Project Plan

    SMARTe provides the analytical tools needed to implement and integrate each component of the revitalization decision process. SMARTe is designed to be free Open Source Software (OSS) based on World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) web specifications.

     36 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 9 0

  • Guidelines for the implementation of quality assurance frameworks for...

    Guidelines for the implementation of quality assurance frameworks for international and supranational organizations compiling statistics to promote the use of a quality framework in international organisations for assuring the quality of the statistical processes2 and outputs; To harmonise the existing quality frameworks for international organisations leading to the evelopment and implementation of common standards, sharing of good practices for statistics compilation, and reduced quality...

     29 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 9 0

  • Report on quality assurance models in LIS programs

    The primary purpose of this survey was to gather data from a sufficient number of LIS schools from each region of the world about current quality assurance processes, priorities and concerns.The study required an investigation of quality assurance models worldwide, collecting data about current quality measurement, quality assurance systems, LIS guidelines and standards. The methodology has been based on a literary and documentary review and on a questionnaire which has been sent to a...

     33 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 7 0

  • Quality assurance of knowledge transfer feasibility study: Final report to...

    This report explores quality assurance (QA) mechanisms and processes in Knowledge Transfer (KT) and Knowledge Exchange KE) activities, through a short scoping study of existing practices at the University of Edinburgh. The study was undertaken by the Centre for Educational Sociology (CES), University of Edinburgh, in spring 2009.

     38 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 6 0

  • Review of vocational rehabilitation and counseling service’s quality review...

    The purpose of our review was to determine whether Vocational Rehabilitation and Counseling (VR&C) Service had an effective quality review system.

     22 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 6 0

  • Managing quality assurance for distance learning programs in Malaysia

    This paper articulates the quality assurance efforts taken by one of the leading distance learning institutions in Malaysia. Quality is an underpinning pre-requisite in offering distance learning programs in Malaysia. A low quality distance learning program will never maintain it sustainability in a local educational industry.

     7 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 6 0

  • Quality Assurance: Standards & Guidelines

    This document systematically reviews each step and introduces the Quality Assurance Standards in each area. Quality Assurance guidelines also serve to organize survey work and anticipate and plan for implementation. This document therefore gives an overall guide to countries on the technical specifications of the survey as well as critical aspects that need particular attention to ensure collection of good quality data.

     15 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 8 0

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